While looking at Challenges I found that Darren from Bart's Bookshelf was hosting this fun challenge. Please go visit for the complete rules. The Twenty Eleven Challenge asks that you read a book in each of the following categories:
And the categories for TwentyEleven are:
*1. To YA or not YA (read from the genre you read least)
And the categories for TwentyEleven are:
*1. To YA or not YA (read from the genre you read least)
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
*2. With a Twist (sub-genre you don't often read)
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
*2. With a Twist (sub-genre you don't often read)
(twist: Christian Murder Mystery)
(twist: Fantasy-steampunk)
3. Hot off the Presses (pub. in 2011)
3. Hot off the Presses (pub. in 2011)
I read Olive Kitteridge because of a review I reat at Caribousmom
*5. Show It Who Is Boss (from your TBR pile)
The Fourth Man by K.O. Dahl (translated by Don Bartlett)*5. Show It Who Is Boss (from your TBR pile)
*7. Will Power? What Will Power? (just had to buy it, new books only)
*8. Mind the Gap (finish the series)
9. Back in the Day (rereads)
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
*10. Way Back When (published before you were born)
11. Slim-Pickings (novellas)
Riding the Bullet by Stephen King
Darkness Under the Sun by Dean Koontz
To complete the challenge you will need to read twenty books, at least one in every category. It's your choice on which categories will merit two books.
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